NSW property zoning

Hi All,

NSW Gov has a really cool tool that allows a user to enter an address and download a PDF of the property report (ie property details). It is here: https://www.planningportal.nsw.gov.au/find-a-property

Anyone know how I can access this dataset without going via the planning portal website? Essentially, looking to develop a super simple program where a user enters an address and the zoning classification is returned. It can either call the live NSW database (API) or even a static database which will be accurate at a point in time.

Has anyone come across this? Any help or guidance would be awesome.

Hi @Gregorykahn, this forum is for transport open data. You should visit and contact the data NSW portal at Datasets - Page 1 - Data.NSW to see if they have the data available or contact the Planning & Environment department to find out more about the planning tool.


Thank you. Much appreciated!