This dataset contains data for NSW speed zones that are categorised as:
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
This dataset contains data for NSW speed zones that are categorised as:
Im interested to understand the update frequency of this dataset?
Speed Zones data updated to include December 2020 figures.
Speed Zones data updated as of 12 March 2021.
New resource added - Historic Zone Line Layer.
I can’t get this data to work in either Map Viewer or Scene Viewer following the link:
Speed zones can also be visualised using the NSW Government Spatial Collaboration Portal:…
I get the error message:
The layer, TfNSW Speed Zones Public, cannot be added to the map.
Is this feature currently live for public access?
Hi @cameron.g,
Thanks for reporting this. This appears to be an issue with the Spatial Collaboration Portal. This is not managed by TfNSW Open Data. I’ve reached out to them and will keep you posted. In the meanwhile the Speed Zones data resource on the Open Data Hub is fine if you are able to use that.
Hi @cameron.g,
The spatial portal has been fixed now. Thanks again for letting us know.
Where the data contains an incorrect road speed limit, is there a method of submitting the road segment and speed limit for review, or for submitting the correct speed limit?
Hi Paul,
Your best bet is to contact Transport for NSW via their feedback form below (Report an issue->Roads)
I’m experiencing the same issue as user cameron.g in Nov’21. Issue Description:
I can’t get this data to work in either Map Viewer or Scene Viewer following the link:
Speed zones can also be visualised using the NSW Government Spatial Collaboration Portal:…
I get the error message:
The layer, TfNSW Speed Zones Public, cannot be added to the map.
Good Morning
My team are also encountering the same error.
Is a fix being investigated?
Thank you
Hi Marcie
Were you able to get a response?
The error is still present.
Thank you
Hi All,
the issue is on Dep Customer Service (DCS) side. They are currently investigating and we should get an update soon.
I’ve received the email regarding the change over of the platform in August, but is there anything that can be used in the mean time for speed zone information?
Hi @zeahEE ,
yes you should be able to use the data for speed zones. We are still waiting for the spatial portal to be updated but the shapfiles are available to download.
Please be advised that we will be removing the link to the NSW Government spatial collaboration portal on the Speed Zones page, which is still not working.
Open Data and Innovation are working with TfNSW Geospatial team to include this data in a TfNSW spatial portal. No ETA just yet.
Hey, I am having trouble with the updated school zone data
I contains same reference twice an example (there are more):
“SZ_ZONE_ID”: “29835”
OBJECTID/index 37 & 60
Anyone I can talk to i.e. a bug you will fix or how to create stable key?
SZ_ZONE_ID - TfNSW identification of the Zone
I have taken that to the source team and will get back to you on the SZ_ZONE_ID data