Thanks this dataset shows all road segments in NSW but does not differeneciate between Local, Regional or State roads. Is there adatset availible that has these attirbutes?
Hi @Neil.Bombardier.SVC , I was wondering if you have figured this out? The function hierarchy field in attributes have been changed to numerical value instead of descriptive. So 1: Motorway, 2: PrimaryRoad, 3: ArterialRoad… however it stops there according to the below source.
Source: Layer: RoadSegment (ID: 5)
My educated guess is:
1: Motorway,
2: Primary Road
3: Arterial Road
4: Sub-arterial road
5: Distributor road
6: Local road
7: Urban service road
8: Track-Vehicular
9: Path
10: Dedicated bus way
11: Access way
@Johlcw Yes thats the data I have from Spatail Services topographic data dictionary but it’s the functional heriarcy rather than a road authority. I was hoping to locate a dataset that describes which entites are road authorities