This dataset provides data professionals and road safety analysts direct access to road crash data.
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This dataset provides data professionals and road safety analysts direct access to road crash data.
I have some questions about this dataset. I am very appreciate if I can get some help:
(1) In this dataset, each row represents a crash, which may involve several traffic unit (TU) type, such as the crash between a vehicle and a pedestrian. At the second column of each row, we can see ‘Degree of crash’ (e.g., fatal, injury or non-casualty), but this dataset didn’t say the degree of crash is for which traffic unit, whether the vehicle driver or the pedestrian. I’d like to know how can I know this information (I’m not sure whether it is because of the privacy issue that this information can’t be released);
(2) Another question is I can see there are many (over than 700) crash cases related to ‘Motor scooter’, ‘Motorised push scooters’ and ‘Motorised scooter (mob. aid)’. I want to know what is the difference between these three modes. In addition, we know that personal e-scooters remain illegal on NSW roads and road-related areas, I’m curious that if all these crash cases are caused by illegal riding of e-scooters?
Is there any data with the age of the driver that can be joined to this?
Hello Ben,
Thanks for reaching out to Transport NSW via open data forum. You can find that information at Road user by gender or region | Transport for NSW
Let me know if you need more ifnromation
Balaji subramanium
That only gives us aggregates.
Is the underlying data available somewhere?
I need total drivers in crash by age group by year
Thanks for the reply. In case of additional data request. Please submit data request to I will send you the form in email.
Balaji subramanium