New bus contract and GTFS data for region 4 from 10 Mar 2024

:bus: Sydney Metro Bus Contracts Transition :bus:

From 9 March 2024, the operation of Hillsbus under contract SMBSC004 in Sydney’s North West will cease.

From Sunday 10 March 2024, CDC NSW R4 will commence operation in this area under the following contract:

Contract Code: GSBC004
Contract Name: CDC NSW R4
Contract/Agency ID: 2504

The transition will be a one to one change over, meaning all current bus routes and their schedules, including any OnDemand and depot locations will remain the same (there may be some minor changes).

GSBC004 GTFS-S API endpoint is now available on ODH

The same data will be reflected in the combined buses bundle:

The new contract will be available from tonight in the Complete GTFS timetable export.

We have also updated the Overlapping Agencies reference table [here ].(Reference Tables for TfNSW GTFS feeds - Overlapping agencies in GTFS feeds - TfNSW Open Data Hub and Developer Portal)

Please be advised that Hillsbus SMBSC004 ceased operations yesterday 9 March 2024.

:tada:***CDC NSW R4 GSBC004 has successfully commenced operations and real-time is now available :tada:

In the coming days we will be updating reference files and documentation and removing operator feeds for GSBC004.