This dataset has been updated with Sydney Trains and Intercity Trains network maps reflecting the Epping to Chatswood Metro upgrade effective from 30 September 2018.
Having all the buses in Buses around the Eastern Suburbs as blue makes the map hard to decipher even for a transport professional who has used the eastern suburb buses for 20 years.
The map covers Coogee but doesn’t mention the Coogee buses. A tourist would rightly assume that only buses from Coogee where the 313, 314, and 353. That would colour their destination decisions.
The map also does not convey that the train goes to Town Hall, and Central.
The map wold be dramatically improved by more clearly showing (or mentioning) ‘key’ visitor bus lines connecting the beaches and ferry wharves. Such as the 135 from Manly to South Head. At the very least draw 333 to Bondi.
Is there data available that would allow me to create the network map computationally as a directed graph (eg stations as nodes, tracks connecting stations as edges)? Ideally, such data would also have the number of tracks between stations, number of platforms at stations and so on.
We endeavour to publish files and data in the ‘best’ format possible. These network maps are used at stations and on posters and as such are published as PDFs.
Sometimes our file formats are governed by the systems we get the data from and other times due to security or privacy reasons we can only publish them in a certain way.