GTFS Timetables Complete vs For Realtime update frequency


What is the update frequency of the complete GTFS bundle v.s. the individual “For Realtime” files? The latest GTFS bundle data appears to lag behind the /sydneytrains “For Realtime” data. For example, the latest bundle doesn’t contain updates due to the T4 line trackwork this weekend: the trip “607M.1346.149.2.T.8.84182254” has a different service schedule in the complete bundle (where it commences on 20250126) compared to the For Realtime data (where it commences on 20250208).

Appreciate any information on this :slight_smile:


Hello Eric,
Thanks for reaching out to Transport NSW. I will reach out to time table scheduling team and get back to you with updates.

Balaji subramanium
Open Data & Innovation

Hi @eric-ide, the complete GTFS bundle and the individual ‘for realtime’ bundles both update daily, over-night, AEST.

There may be exceptions where there unplanned service disruptions or major errors in the data - in these cases the complete bundle may be updated during the day.

Can you tell me the date modified of the complete bundle you were looking at?

Hey @Marcie, thanks for the response. Unfortunately I don’t recall the date modified of the complete bundle, although the earliest date in calendar.txt was 20250126, so perhaps it was that date?

I think it’s also possible that the difference I observed (due to the T4 trackwork) was unplanned - perhaps the ‘for realtime’ bundles updated earlier in that case?