/v1/gtfs/realtime/sydneytrains?debug=true returns 404?

I just need to confirm i’m not loosing it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: - my reading of the docs should return debug output - but i’m getting a 404…

curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx" "https://api.transport.nsw.gov.au/v1/gtfs/realtime/sydneytrains?debug=true"
		"Message":"Requested resource was not found",

We’re getting the same result.

We’re adding it to the backlog.

Good news is that you are not loosing it. :slight_smile:

@jorke Can you retry this? Looks like it’s working for us again. Could be due to some changes we made over the weekend or something else.

I’m now getting a protobuf encoded response. Not sure if that’s the intended result?

iirc, debug=true returns a JSON object for /gtfs/vehiclepos/sydneytrains.

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer [redacted]" "https://api.transport.nsw.gov.au/v1/gtfs/realtime/sydneytrains?debug=true"

%164U.1452.102.4-20160425.A.8.41513068 RTTA_REV ????d
%240J.1452.102.4-20160425.H.4.41513235 RTTA_REV ????a
%163S.1452.102.4-20160425.A.8.41513392 *WL_1b ????d
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well it’s better than a 404 - i’m having the same result as @jxeeno


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The intended result is meant to be JSONish text so to me it looks correct…