Suburb name of Bus stop

Hi mates,
Can anyone help me finding Suburb name of given Stop ID?
For example, for bus route 700 (Blacktown to Parramatta) i can get all stops from GTFS stops.txt file along with stop name (like “Good st after Amos st”).
How can i get name of Suburb(Westmead for above example)?
Is there a way to get list of Suburbs on the route?


The suburb name isn’t provided in the GTFS data. You could do your own intersection with the provided stop coordinates and suburb / locality boundaries from PSMA.

There is also the TXC dataset, which does provide a suburb / locality name in <Suburb>… but stops don’t necessarily match 1:1 with the GTFS data. e.g.:

<StopPoint CreationDateTime="2016-04-07T00:00:00">
		<CommonName>Ryde Rd at Minnamurra Ave</CommonName>
		<Descriptor CreationDateTime="1900-01-01T00:00:00">
	<Notes>Ryde Rd at Minnamurra Ave</Notes>

Thanks very much for the info.
Looks like i can get required info from TXC dataset matching stop id though there may not be 1:1 match as you said, have to investigate.

Many thanks,