Could we get SMBSC/OSMBSC boundaries in an accessible format such as kml, shp or mif?
The maps are currently published in PDF form… but that makes it hard for us to use for visualisations.
Could we get SMBSC/OSMBSC boundaries in an accessible format such as kml, shp or mif?
The maps are currently published in PDF form… but that makes it hard for us to use for visualisations.
Hi @jxeeno, we’ll check with the data teams whether they can provide it in any other format. Get back to you soon.
Hi @jxeeno / @alejandro.felman
I have got the latest contract regions boundaries in spatial format (ESRI shapefile). I have just sent it to Stephanie Manning. Looks like Stephanie is on leave until 26th April. If this urgent please send me a mail on I will send it to you directly.
Praba Thangarajah
Senior Spatial Analyst - Database
Transport Performance and Analytics
Freight, Strategy and Planning
Transport for NSW
T 02 8202 2147 | M 0402 074 330
Level 3 18 Lee Street Chippendale NSW 2008
@jxeeno I’ve just published the dataset on the Open Data Hub - Metro / Outer Metro Bus Contract boundaries | TfNSW Open Data Hub and Developer Portal
Amazing, thanks all!