Response shows various errors based on accuracy

Hi @vipul.agheda,

We’re not sure whether this was fixed because of the other change we made earlier today. Are you able to double check for us?

The polyline provided appears to be on private or service roads and unmarked paths, which may be why it failed to match previously. It may also be that the polyline wasn’t escaped correctly in JSON format before sending it to the API.

The following payload, with the correct escape characters, is currently working:

  "polyline": "n_coE{}cw[Yk@??gBaD??Mu@??Rq@??d@g@??v@{@??fAq@??\\k@??Ps@??`@g@??t@G??t@I??XQ??VW??^i@??`@U??Rg@??Au@??Wi@??m@A??k@H??mF`@??kBE??k@[??Qm@??Y{@??_@s@??WW??UW??uAK??o@O??]H??M`@??SfD??O|C??UZ??]K??G]??EY??BN?G??K_@??BK??@Fl@uB??TwA??Bu@??Ja@??NQ??VG??VA??ZH??j@Z??ZB??j@D??b@^??`@x@??j@fB??p@d@??|@F??dGY??~@U??p@^??LfA??a@t@??@r@??q@d@??_AD??y@N??Yz@??_@|@??w@`@??u@f@??iApA??Q~@??`@hA??~@|A??Zh@??Vz@??",
  "vehicleClass": "B",
  "accuracy": 60,
  "departureTime": "2023-06-27T06:10:00+10:00"

But note the low confidence as the polyline doesn’t appear to track a known road:

	"match": {
		"confidence": 0.000123,
		"geometry": "j_coEy}cw[AKk@eAOWgAmBMi@Fe@t@cAx@i@v@Wd@m@\\uARe@pAGv@Md@q@`@c@^M",
		"distance": 524.4,
		"duration": 125.7,
		"minChargeInCents": 0,
		"maxChargeInCents": 0,
		"summary": "",
		"tollsCharged": [],
		"isCheapest": true,
		"isShortest": true,
		"isQuickest": true
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