Hi all, as you may know, Transit Systems West will be the new bus operator for region 6 from 1 July 2018, taking over from STA.
This means there will be a change in the GTFS data, with SMBSC006 data ending on June 30, and SBSC006 commencing from July 1.
We are expecting test data soon to give you time to prepare for the changeover. Note that route numbers and names are not changing, but this will be a new API if you are using the individual bus operator zip bundles, and you should see the new operator in the buses.zip bundle, TXC and complete GTFS, depending on what source you are using.
We are expecting SBSC006 data to be published today or tomorrow ahead of the July 1 commencement of services.
To prepare, you may wish to familiarise yourself with the updated reference table here noting the addition of SBSC006.
The old SMBSC006 will be removed post July 1.
Data for SBSC006 is now available via Explore API - Public Transport - Timetables - For Realtime | TfNSW Open Data Hub and Developer Portal and the Explore API - Public Transport - Timetables - For Realtime | TfNSW Open Data Hub and Developer Portal
We are aware of a few issues with the shapes that are being addressed, if there is any other feedback please let us know.
FYI here’s some approved messaging from contracts about the region 6 change this Sunday if needed:
On Sunday 1 July Transit Systems became the private operator for Inner West Bus Services – Region 6.
• Transit Systems are contracted to deliver bus services on behalf of TfNSW.
• TfNSW will continue to be responsible for bus stops, planning routes, services and setting fares and the Government will continue to own assets including buses and depots.
• no changes to existing bus services;
• New permanent On Demand public transport service will be operated by Transit Systems from 1 July.
• On Demand is about delivering new and innovative ways for the public to access services on top of the traditional methods currently being used. On Demand public transport is designed to integrate with, and complement other public transport by covering gaps between transport hubs and providing links to local points of interest. https://transportnsw.info/news/2018/on-demand-public-transport-services-for-inner-west
• This is about making public transport services better for the Inner West community
FYI There is an issue with tracking the SBSC006 buses from Kingsgrove depot. This is being worked on but no timescale for a solution at this point.