Keyless, Unlimited, GTFS-realtime APIs

Hello fellow forums users! Specifically GTFS-realtime consumers!

Do you like API keys and mucking around with request headers? How about rate limits and CORS restrictions? No??? Me, neither!

I setup a service for the GTFS-realtime feeds to allow unlimited, keyless, unrestricted access. Please help me test it by using it.

Here’s an example URL:

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Please note that you still have to adhere to the license

You can guess the other available URLs by exploring the GTFS-realtime APIs and inserting in the right spot:

Thanks and enjoy!


Hi Jayen,
Interested to know how you managed to make the feed unlimited? (Is it not capped by your account feed?)

Hi @Bernie_HERE,

I’d like to keep this forum topic for me to notify people who are using the feed. That way they only get notified of updates and changes and not feedback questions like this. Please send me feedback privately instead of in the forum topic.


Hi Bernie - if you are being limited by your account on TfNSW Open Data - feel free to get in touch with us via - we’re back at work from next week.

For people who may be interested, there is now a dev version of the API at

The dev version now does realtime translation to simplified Chinese for realtime alerts. This is currently only available for feeds supporting the format=json parameter and so is not returned in the GTFS-Realtime format. E.g., no translation is currently available for sydneytrains so you need to use the all alerts feed to get translated alerts for Sydney Trains

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Thanks and enjoy!


Hi @jayen. Thank you for letting us know about this wonderful API in NextStation feedback. This is a great idea!