Historical GTFS and GTFS Realtime

Hi @yvonne.lee

Thank you for the response. I am mainly interested in the location data such as latitude and longitude.

By using Historical GTFS API, I can get VehiclePosition for MET and FER but not buses.

I want to know whether this API can be extended (or existing other API) so I can get VehiclePosition for buses.


Hi @Asad

That’s the intent…

Kind regards

Great to hear that.

Is there any timeline when this API can be available for buses?

Hi Yvonne,

yes I am very happy to confirm. The GPS coordinates are crucial.

Thank you so much for trying to make it work.


We may not be able to get the timeframe you want :slightly_frowning_face:

Do you have another date period that may suit? Sometime after June 2020?

Hi @Asad

Unfortunately we do not have visibility over a current time frame for this.

Kind regards

Hey Yvonne,

in the end I guess it doesn’t really matter as bunching will probably occur almost daily on those lines because the headways are so small. However, months without holidays and as least impacted by curfew or other pandemic-related measures seem to be more suitable because those data reflect the “normal” operation the best.

So if you can provide timeframes for a few consecutive weeks (no need for the sharp month frame) and for lines with headways preferably under 10 mins, I am optimistic that these will fit the problem.

Thanks anyway already for trying to make it work,


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Hi @grillprinz

We have published vehicle position data for buses from 17 May 2021 to 21 May 2021 here.


Hi Terence,

thanks so much, that’s awesome news. I will still need to double-check with my professor whether 5 days of GPS mapping on my mined bunching incidents from the BOAM data are sufficient as a validation for my method, but I am optimistic that this will seal the deal.

Best regards,


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Thank you for providing this information.

My question is about accessing historical data for rail and ferry. We were able to get real-time trip updates and vehicle positions for them using, for example, the Realtime Vehicle Positions API. However, for this dataset, we are encountering a ‘401’ issue with the API key, which seems to indicate that the key is invalid.

I followed the instructions provided in the user guide at https://opendata.transport.nsw.gov.au/user-guide, but the generated API token key is not working. I kindly ask where I can find the appropriate API key for historical GTFS for ferries, in the same way of “vehicle position data for buses from 17 May 2021 to 21 May 2021” or real-time “vehicle position” and “trip update” key.

Thank you.

Hello! Just checking, have you entered apikey before the token? I.e. apikey tGfbxxxxxxxx

Just wondered if there is any update on availability of historic train data? Documentation only refers to Ferry and Light Rail