Cool, thanks for the confirmation. I have been used the temp zip file provided, and it works!
OK since our operations team is so kind to organise for the bundle to me sent to me I am popping it here too for your use. Note this is only temporary while we fix the bundled schedules zip file to be available via the gateway.
Here’s the file as updated this week:
Get your latest version for the week here
(Remember you can get the individual ones from the API Gateway… these are bundled up for your convenience until we have the API endpoint sorted)
Get your latest version for the week here
(Remember you can get the individual ones from the API Gateway… these are bundled up for your convenience until we have the API endpointed sorted)
And the latest one
(Remember you can get the individual ones from the API Gateway… these are bundled up for your convenience until we have the API endpointed sorted)
The latest data available here
(Remember you can get the individual ones from the API Gateway… these are bundled up for your convenience until we have the API endpointed sorted)
Hello Yvonne
I tried to download files from above link. But every time I do it doesn’t download at all or fails at 48%.
Your help in this regard is highly appreciated.
Thanking You
hi @ravan352 I just tested it and it worked for me via Tempsend. Is that the link you are using?
Hello Yvonne,
When I tried downloading files, it gets downloaded however the downloaded size is only 34.1Mb where as the total file size in tempsend says 98.62 MB.
I have tried downloading more than 10 times today but I end up getting only 34.2MB.
Your help in this regard is highly appreciated.
Thanking you
I’ve uploaded it to another provider to see if that helps: (7 day expiry)
(Please note that we are unable to provide individual support usually so don’t keep expecting this to be delivered in multiple ways… )
Hello Yvonne
Thanks for you help. I appreciate that.
The latest bundle available here
(Remember you can get the individual ones from the API Gateway… these are bundled up for your convenience until we have the API endpointed sorted)
when trying to access the api ,
always received “Invalid api key” error. The same token can succesfully access the tripupdate api. Any advice?
Sorry @sunnyy02 which bus operator are you looking at? SMBSC00110 isn’t in the list?
We’ll do some investigating…
I am trying to download all the bus realtime gtfs timetable one by one, as the latest bundle in file share has expired. Is it possible to reupload the bundle file? Thanks…
Many thanks, Yvonne
Sorry this is late and I’m waiting for an updated set to be uploaded later today (link valid for 7 days)
(Yes a different provider again!)
And yep the latest update here (again 7 days)
Zipped buses file (7 day expiry)