Data for metro parking slot

Is there available data set wherein we get information about the available parking slots in each metro station?

Hi @supraja, we have this information available on the Transport NSW info website. You can find it here - Commuter parking |

We will see if we can release this data as a dataset on the open data hub.


Hi Alex,
Many thanks for the response. We’d like to know if there are drilled-down details of the parking slots. For Ex: Slot 1 - available, slot 2 - unavailable etc., in each level (We would require real-time data for this). Also, the slot availability for differently-abled commuters would be of great help.

Hi @supraja, we don’t have anything like that available at the moment unfortunately.


Thanks @alejandro.felman. Please keep us posted if there are any plans for the same.

@supraja you will have seen (hopefully!) that we have a published Car Park API which provides occupancy information for Opal Park&Ride car spaces. (And to not confuse people… this does not include Metro car parks… yet)

@supraja the Car Park API now includes Sydney Metro commuter car park data. Car park API | TfNSW Open Data Hub and Developer Portal

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