I am unable to access the vehicle descriptor fields for buses. When I did my initial search on this issue, I came across this post which describes a method for getting the vehicle descriptor information. I followed that method, however, the output still doesn’t provide me with the descriptor information that is available.
For my .proto file I used this one from the OpenData website. The steps I followed to compile that file is the following command:
protoc tfnsw-gtfs-realtime.proto --python_out=./
which generated me a python file that I imported into my script. A barebones version of my script is below:
import requests
import tfnsw_gtfs_realtime_pb2
import google.protobuf
from print import pprint
# REDACTED : Authorization header definition
testing = requests.get('https://api.transport.nsw.gov.au/v1/gtfs/vehiclepos/buses', headers=headers)
busfeed = tfnsw_gtfs_realtime_pb2.FeedMessage()
for entity in busfeed.entity[:5]:
In theory, this should return all of the expected fields, alongside the vehicle descriptor fields, however, for the vehicle part, I only get the following:
vehicle {
id: "whatever id for the entry"
Does anyone know how I would be able to get the remaining vehicle descriptor fields (air_conditioned, wheelchair_accessible, vehicle_model)?
Many thanks in advance,