TfNSW Open Data Hub and Developer Portal upgrade

As part of the Transport for NSW Open Data Hub and Developer Portal upgrade, the Open Data Hub was moved to a new platform in November 2016.

Next week, the Developer Portal will also be moved to the new platform. The Hub and Portal will merge to form the Open Data Hub and Developer Portal, the central location for all TfNSW open data.

If you have an active Developer Portal account, it will be automatically migrated to the new platform, including all Applications associated with your email address.
Once your account has been migrated you will receive a confirmation email.

If you do not currently have a Developer Portal account, there will be no change to your Open Data Hub account.

Please let us know if you have any questions.


The changes are happening this morning. During this time both the Open Data hub ( and the Developer Portal ( will be unavailable. The API Gateway (if you are using it for your apps or website) is unaffected during this migration.

Please let us know here if you have any questions.

The Open Data hub is now up and running again. Due to the changes there is a small glitch we are working on which is the new API Explorer. It currently doesn’t work as expected. However the cURL command it provides does work.
We’re hoping we’ll have a fix for the new API Explorer in the next couple of days.

Thanks for your patience!