Some problems with the (Metro) Realtime Vehicle Positions API v2

There are some problems I have noticed with the Realtime Vehicle Positions API v2 METRO endpoint (

  • Some of the carriages have toilet: NORMAL. I don’t think metro trains have any toilets.
  • All carriages have position_in_consist: 0. It would be cool to be able to know which carriages are the most crowded etc.
    • Are they always in the position of the order which they appear in inside the response?
  • Some carriages have luggage_rack: true. I don’t think the metro trains have luggage racks.
  • Quiet carriages. Do these exist on the Metro? I could be wrong so not sure :slight_smile:

I haven’t worked much with these APIs so let me know if I have misinterpreted some of this data.


Hi @benjopatherson,

thanks for raising these issues - most of which the Metro team are aware of.

The position_in_consist is something that will get fixed in the next release, however I need to get clarity on when that will be.

I’ll have a quick chat with the Metro team on all your points and come back with answers shortly.

Thank you,

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