Short platform data is now available

Detailed information on short platforms is now available in the Sydney Trains GTFS bundle and Trip Planner APIs.

The data is in GTFS-vehicles specification, which can be combined with set type and car elements in Sydney Trains trip_IDs. Consumers will now be able to convey which cars passengers will be able to alight from for any given trip. Detailed documentation is available here.

Note that trip_IDs in the NSW Trains GTFS bundle have also been updated to convey set type and number of cars scheduled for diesel and regional services.

The Trip Planner API documentation is also updated here.

Please note that TfNSW owned PIDS, website, and applications are only advising which cars to travel in where the trip is on an intercity line, and the destination platform is shorter than the train.
More information is available at Travel in the correct car |

Here is an updated vehicle_boardings file for Sydney Trains.
The confirmed changes to the current platform capacity data are as follows:

For Westmead
All 8 Tangara, Oscar, Millenium and Waratah cars fit on each of the platforms. Current value is rear 6.

For Redfern
The 6 V-set cars that fit on platform 2 are rear aligned. Current value is front 6.
Note that Sydney Trains will not be able to update the bundle with this data until mid January due to the xmas shutdown period, so this file should be used preferentially until otherwise advised.

vehicle_boardings_201218.xlsx (310.3 KB)

The Sydney Trains GTFS bundle will be updated with corrected data on the morning of Feb 6.