School Zone Timetables

School zones help protect children on their way to and from schools at the times and places where they are often in high numbers. The 40km/h school zones are in force on all days which are not a weekend, a public holiday or a publicly notified school holiday for government schools. The lower speed limit reduces the risk and potential severity of a crash.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

I’ve been looking through this data and there a few concerns.

The school zone timetables data is still dated 2021. Also, looking at the school zone timetable and school zone sites, there’s no indication as to whether the school is in the eastern or western zone. A column with this data would be helpful. At the moment, one needs to review the json to see when a school timetable starts later in the year in order to determine if it is in the eastern/western zone.

Could you please look into this to help make this data more useful?