How to consider/interprete the data received from transxchange?


I was facing issue while decoding the data which I received from ‘’, Somehow I managed to update/modify those data which caused issue while decoding it.

After that I received the data as below
{ id: ‘Modified Name’,
is_deleted: false,
trip_update: null,
{ trip: null,
vehicle: null,
position: null,
current_stop_sequence: null,
stop_id: ‘ȺȧȬZ|Ȓ*#ȕȆ♗涟ȿXȺ{aȶ۵אRȀ\u0004׉)ȥ꭪׮Ǩȝ\u0007ȓ’,
current_status: 2,
timestamp: { low: 55, high: 0, unsigned: true },
congestion_level: null,
occupancy_status: null },
alert: null }
{ id: ‘Modified Name’,
is_deleted: false,
trip_update: null,
vehicle: null,
alert: null }
{ id: ‘Modified Name’,
is_deleted: false,
trip_update: null,
vehicle: null,
alert: null }

Number of Records : 3

Now, How can I consider this data? Should I consider it as Invalid?

I see no one has responded to this. Is your concern the Stop ID? Or something else?

The issue has been resolved in other issue I raised

Thank you for responding

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