How to access this api from postman

how to access this api from php code? whaterver i found regarding this api is in python so is ther anyone who is working with php to access this api??
please help me

If you are accessing the realtime feeds in protobuffer format your better at having Python installed so you can export the feed as a json file and then use PHP to manipulate it ie store it in a mysql DB or whatever. There is a PHP class you can install on the Google GTFS page that can open the realtime feeds but there is not a lot of source code available to figure out what functions in the Google supplied class you need to call to get the information you want. For this reason I used the GitHub - harrytruong/gtfs_realtime_json: Standalone utility to convert gtfs-realtime feeds into simple JSON. Python application to convert the GTFS realtime feed provided by TfNSW into JSON for easy manipulation.