The coordinates in the static gtfs shapes.txt are like -33.8832170090139. That’s 13 decimal places, according to Decimal degrees - Wikipedia 6 decimal places is ~10cm, which is probably as accurate as you need for this file, even 5 decimal places will still give ~1m precision.
Trimming the coordinate precision will make the file sizes smaller, easier to work with, faster to download etc. Similarly the shape_dist_traveled seems to be over precise as well.
Hmm, that’s interesting! Which bundle are you looking at? I can only see 7 decimal points for bus and train shapes.txt and stops.txt in the GTFS-R bundle.
Hmm, that’s interesting! Which bundle are you looking at? I can only see 7 decimal points for bus and train shapes.txt and stops.txt in the GTFS-R bundle.