I am validating to switch from the static non-realtime GTFS to the Real-Time GTFS but I am seeing no service through out the /buses dataset.
For example, State Transit Newcastle Route 100 has times up to Feb 2017 in the non-Realtime GTFS but in the Real-Time GTFS there is no current service.
mysql> select trip_id, service_id from buses_trips where route_id=“2451_100” group by service_id;
| trip_id | service_id |
| 157186 | 111 |
| 157688 | 165 |
| 265916 | 178 |
| 270629 | 233 |
| 157428 | 40 |
| 159505 | 55 |
| 265802 | 73 |
None of these service_ids are current.
I see this problem with State Transit Sydney as well and throughout most agencies I have compared.
This makes Real-Time services unusable.
What’s going on?