Can you work with Fair Trading to provide an API on fuel prices? Fuel Check
I’d also love to get my hands on this API.
Thanks for the data request. The fuel price data is owned and managed by the Department of Finance, Services and Innovation (DFSI). You can put in a request directly to DFSI through We will also inform them that you have requested for an API.
I put in a request through Request a Dataset | Data.NSW . Will that reach the right people?
Hi @jayen, yes that should be fine. Thanks
perfect i did the same thing . Thanks @alejandro.felman
Hi @PeterL2F, @jayen, We now have FuelCheck included in the TfNSW Open Data catalogue. Browse to FuelCheck to access historic fuel price data, and the api, Regards Stephanie
Link is here for those who don’t want to see all the other datasets and APIs we have