My name is Rebekah and I am the Executive Assistant to the CEO of the NSW Council of Social Service (NCOSS). https://www.ncoss.org.au/ We advocate for a NSW free from poverty and inequality.
I have been tasked to find more detail from your Household Travel Survey regarding financial demographics. On your DataHub, the survey data is only type of transport used, household LGA, purpose of travel, and region (Sydney, Hunter, Illawarra). We would like to have financial included in this.
The project NCOSS would like to undertake is to research and analyse the number of trips taken by purpose and distance for low income earners vs people who are better off. We are happy with de-identified raw data in spreadsheets. We can run comparisons from these ourselves. The project findings will be used to inform us as to the balance/imbalance of those using transport.
If you already have these comparisons or more detailed datasets available, please advise as to how we can access them. If possible, we would like this information before the end of this year.
Many thanks