Willoughby Street Parking Signs

The raw street parking sign data from Willoughby Council is available for Chatswood CBD only. This is supplied as a Google Maps layer and KMZ file. Photos for each sign are supplied via the embedded links.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://opendata.transport.nsw.gov.au/dataset/willoughby-street-parking-signs

Looks like this one is no longer available the KMZ just points to https://www.google.com/maps/d/kml?mid=1t_6pPWGa40LQqqklK5oPNiI7Ja280Cmg which is 404 and the link is just a Google Maps search for “parking near chatswood station”

Hello Andrew,
I can see the both the resources are available in open data. Resource link to google Google Maps works fine and was able to download Willoughby Council Street Parking Signs KMZ Let me know if you have any issues.