Opal Fares on Trip Planner API - to be removed 16 October 2023

Please be advised that the Opal fare information component on Trip Planner /trip API


will no longer be populated from 4am on 16 October 2023

The Opal Fares dataset will continue to be made available on the Open Data Hub: Opal Fares - Dataset - TfNSW Open Data Hub and Developer Portal

Hey @Marcie,

Are we able to get the new fare tables and business rules coming in 16 Oct in advance given this change?

Let me check with the team :slight_smile:

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Good Morning @jxeeno and Open Data Community,

The Opal Fares dataset has now been published:

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Thanks @Marcie!

For others, I am working on a middleware to inject the fare calculations back into the Trip Planner response and will make it open source. Hope to make it available before the end of the week :slight_smile:

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Oh nice one @jxeeno !!! Thats awesome!

Our middleware implementation is available here on GitHub under MIT License. There is also a hosted version available for the rest of this year to help other consumers migrate during the transition period. We welcome contributions to the repository :slight_smile:

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Amazing @jxeeno !! Thank you so much for sharing!!