The latest major release of the buses feed system brought significant improvements. From 1 December, the upgraded feed will include the following benefits:
- Real-Time Predictions - Accuracy greatly improved and supports traffic impacting situations
- Resolution of Location/information messages from buses – improvement from ~30 seconds to every 15 Seconds, and down to 2 seconds when approaching a priority enabled intersection
- Snap to road route path for Bus location – improvement to allow bus to snap to road and route path to avoid buses being seen to be going through buildings (Route Paths must be correct)
- New and improved GPS tracking equipment – now utilising OPAL to provide tracking information based on bus activity – the OLD OBUs will start to be decommissioned in the new year.
- Trips tracked – using both real-time and offline data (both from OPAL), an improvement from ~83% to ~95% for trips tracked.
If you have any questions regarding these features feel free to ask in this thread.