Bus Occupancy - Aug 2016 to Jan 2017

This dataset provides an indicator of bus occupancy for individual bus services during three separate one week periods between August 2016 and January 2017. The one week periods are:

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://opendata.transport.nsw.gov.au/dataset/bus-occupancy-aug-2016-jan-2017

Getting ‘access denied…’ despite being logged in.

Hi @justfingwalk, haven’t encountered any issues with this dataset/file. Please try again. Thanks

Still getting “access denied. You are not authorized to access this page.”

Whether I’m logged in our out a search of ‘occupancy’ only brings up the train occupancy data set (which I can access with no problems), and the bus data set doesn’t come up at all.


Hi @justfingwalk, apologies about this. We released the data for GovHack a couple of weeks ago and have had to temporarily remove it from the Open Data Hub. We’re aiming to publish it again in the coming days.


Hi Alejandro, any progress with this data set? I’m interested in using it for some relatively timely purposes. Thanks!

Hi @justfingwalk, we’re aiming to publish it early next week.


Hi there, I have found that this is the very useful document
I am wondering if I can get the same kind of data for Feb-Aug of 2017?

Many thanks