Timetables Complete GTFS

Hi there,

I see that the feed is updated on a periodic basis. Is there a way I can access historical GTFS data for the last 3-4 years (trains static timetable data)? I can only see the latest dataset being available.

have you seen Historical GTFS and GTFS Realtime | TfNSW Open Data Hub and Developer Portal ?

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Thanks for that. I was looking for static timetable data for trains though, I shouldā€™ve specified it in my comment earlier.

sydney trains or nsw trains? thereā€™s some on Historical GTFS Bundles and Timetables | TfNSW Open Data Hub and Developer Portal and User account | TfNSW Open Data Hub and Developer Portal

In routes.txt - route_type the documentation lists valid responses of 0-12, however, in the download link above I have values of 2 , 4, 106, 204, 401, 700, 712, 714 & 900.

2 & 4 match with the documentation, filtering gives Rail & Ferries.

From a little joining of files, there seem to be:
106 NSW TrainLink Train
204 NSW TrainLink Coach
401 Sydney Metro
700 Busses
712 More Busses (possible school busses by the looks of things?)
714 Busses again (potentially rail replacement services?)
900 Light Rail (Sydney & Newcastle)

Is there anywhere I can confirm my assumptions and get confirmation on what these codes mean?

have a look at this part of the docs: Extended GTFS Route Types Ā |Ā  Static Transit Ā |Ā  Google Developers


Thanks @jayen, didnā€™t come up on my searches but good to know my guesses were correct!

Hi there
A newbie question regarding to GTFS. Iā€™m particularly interested in the station locations in NSW. I find that the stops.txt in the dataset is pretty what I want. But I couldnā€™t find a way to split them by operation types. What I want is all stop locations grouped by operation type, e.g. all train stations, all bus stops, etc.

While I look at Victoria public transport GTFS, I can see the dataset is grouped by operation branches.

The PTV GTFS data has been exported by operational branches

Can anyone tell me how can I get similar data as what I can get from PTV?

One stop can serve multiple types. E.g., Circular Quay serves ferries, trains, buses, and light rail. I believe the NSW bundle separates each wharf, stand, platform so only parent stops would be like PTVā€™s GTFS which doesnā€™t separate stops. You can use routes.txt, trips.txt, and stop_times.txt together to determine which stop is for which route modes.

You maybe want to look at Public Transport - Timetables - For Realtime | TfNSW Open Data Hub and Developer Portal which has a separate GTFS zip for each contract.

Good Morning Team,

please be advised that GTFS pathways extension is now included in as part of the complete GTFS bundle :tada: :tada: :tada:

The pathways file has 166 stations across the Greater Sydney area enabled for pedestrian navigation, with more to come!

Please see the GTFS Pathways documentation for more details.

is GTFS Pathways | TfNSW Open Data Hub and Developer Portal still valid?

Yes it is @jayen , however the pathways as part of GTFS complete timetables includes significantly more stations and more detailed information including levels for more complex stations.

Hi, Iā€™m having issues utilising the GTFS within Open Trip Planner 2.2.0, where the planning engine complains about receiving a type of 1 when it was expecting 0. Iā€™ve been unable to locate where exactly the issue is stemming from, though it appears to be related to a direction ID in the GTFS.

This is a fairly recent issue, as the GTFS was working in June. A screenshot of the error is below.

Hi, I am interested in obtaining static historic GTFS feeds, specifically for 2022. I can see that Timetables Complete GTFS - Dataset - TfNSW Open Data Hub and Developer Portal contains the most recent feed, which is is for this month.

And Greater Sydney GTFS - OpenMobilityData provides a range of historic static feeds, up to but not past March 2019; while Mobility Database provides a static feed for June 2024. It it possible to get others, and in particular for 2022?

does this work for you? https://opendata.transport.nsw.gov.au/data/dataset/historical-gtfs-bundles-and-timetables/resource/b2a12506-efd0-4874-9cd0-3cc718954029/view/2278f804-972a-474c-8c00-5bf5cd10a0f5#historical_gtfs/

complete_gtfs/2022 are accessible as subfolders.

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Hi jayen - that is perfect; thank you so much.


Iā€™m wanting to use the GTFS-R real time trip update API to build some historical data to model delays for a simulation. In doing so, I noticed that trip_idā€™s that Iā€™m seeing in the the real time feed do not correlate with trip_idā€™s in the last version of the bundle I downloaded (admittedly in 2024 sometime).

I see in the Activity Stream tab that there are updates to the bundle almost daily.

Is there a period of time for which the real time feed and the static bundle align? Maybe related to the publication of new timetables?

Or, do I need to download the bundle regularly, perhaps daily, for the bundle data to be the same as the real time feed?



Hello Kevin,
Do you have any examples for above issue for me to check further on this.


Hi Balaji,

Here are two generated just now.

URL: https://api.transport.nsw.gov.au/v2/gtfs/realtime/sydneytrains
feed version 2.0
run on/at 2025-02-05 13:41:39
found 553 trip updates

The first two trips in the list of updates are:

trip id: 68-F.487.140.16.M.8.83947524, route id: APS_1a
trip id: C190.487.140.8.H.4.83949102, route id: SCO_2a

Neither of the above trip idā€™s nor route idā€™s exist in GTFS Static Bundle (full_greater_sydney_gtfs_static_()) that I downloaded on 23-01-2025. In particular, I checked the ā€œtrips.txtā€ and ā€œroutes.txtā€ files. Note that "SCOā€™ does exist as a ā€œroute_short_nameā€ in the routes.txt file.



the ā€œCompleteā€ GTFS doesnā€™t match realtime. you have to use the ā€œPublic Transport - Timetables - For Realtimeā€ Public Transport - Timetables - For Realtime v2 - Dataset - TfNSW Open Data Hub and Developer Portal

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